Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I have finally gotten my feet wet with this whole sewing thing and i must say its way harder than i thought it was! I feel very confident in my choices for first pieces and must say that they turned out much better than i anticipated! i had a few oops' where i had to redo whole 52" seams but the labor and late nights i put into them was well worth it for the love and appreciation ive gotten from my own girls and friends and family ive made pieces for :)
 above is a pillowcase dress i made for a special "niece" that matches a blanket, bib, changing pad set i made for her baby shower gift :)
 My oldest daughter showing off her first dress made by mommy
My youngest daughter showing off her first dress (pillowcase style) that is opposite big sisters'
 Big girl literally petting the fabric she helped me pick out for her very special dress

I traced this dress onto a paper bag and cut out the fabric accordingly. Little really loved this dress and wore it for an entire road trip. She's not normally my girly girl but she felt awfully pretty in this navy striped and starred dress

 This dress is still missing the sash but big girl couldn't wait to get it on! I bought this pattern off etsy from www.etsy.com/shop/BellaFabrics . This is the Kyoko Asian inspired shirt dress, pattern by Modkid. definately my biggest accomplishment with my sewing machine to date.