Thursday, June 20, 2013

FiFi's FunkFighters say WHAAAAT?!

My sewing life has been changed forever!

    I recently got commissioned from a very good, long time friend to use my sewing skills to help make her a set of bags filled with silicon beads used to absorb sweat and funk from the insides of her Roller Derby pads and things.

I gladly took this project on and am finding that my corners, turning, and top stitching are all improving as I get through every set.

I've gotten good enough that i have confidence enough in them to offer them up for sale even.

A set will be comprised of 4 bags 4" x 4" made of clothing grade cotton in different prints.

Fabric is cut 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" with a 1/4" seam allowance on each side

I left a small hole on one side so as to fill. I will sew up the hole by machine when done.

I cannot wait to get these in the hands of someone who will love looking at these as much as I do and getting my hands on some funky new fabrics and making more! next up is tote bags large enough to fit roller gear in and sweat rags to match everything.

How cute are these houndstooth and mustache print Funk Fighters?!?!
I just listed them as available for sale in my Etsy shop

We have also set up a Twitter account for my Creations and will be making a FaceBook page very shortly to help keep everyone involved. the link to FiFi's twitter is here:

I really look forward to getting more involved with my sewing and hopefully turning this into something that i can help build my family's future on. I really love to be be crafty and hope it's something i can pass on to my children

Thursday, May 16, 2013

nap time dress

For my birthday I got a gift card from my in-laws (super sweet card) to my new addiction store... Hobby Lobby! So the other morning after we got back from our trip to the Oregon Coast, I loaded up the kids after their favorite breakfast and off to Hobby Lobby we went! after stopping at the candle shelves ( I could spend all day there and not even realize it!) we made it back to the fabrics, perused through them a bit then i meandered through the patterns and figured i had enough of both so we were just gonna leave. Well on the way through the checkout aisles a book caught my eye. It's called "Making Children's clothes" 25 stylish step-by-step sewing projects for 0-5 years, including full-sized paper patterns by Emma Hardy.

This book is exactly what it says it is, step-by-step instructions with patterns attached in the back of the book. As there are 25 patterns (not including the applique patterns for some of the projects), and there are only 2 pages for the actual patterns its best to use some tracing paper or parchment paper. I liked using the wax paper as its really sturdy to draw on and my scissors glide through it when I'm cutting it out and still see-through enough for me to get the clean lines of the pattern I'm tracing as they are all available in various sizes.

I ordered the fabric i used on Etsy at

I chose these fabrics from the same Michael Miller line by Patty Young. i just love the lotus blossoms and the little spot of pink in them that make this fabric so versatile for my girls' wardrobe

the dress pattern i chose is actually for a night gown but i love how it looked in these fabrics so i know i wont feel like she shouldn't wear it out if the house.

 My big girl was so so excited to get her dress on! she watched me cut the pieces out and pin them together...she was by my side every step of the way and ready for her close up as soon as she got it on.
start to finish with no interruptions it was probably a 2 hour project. i have 3 other little girls i want to make this style of dress for. So keep on the look out for my new favorite, super easy, super cute dress. It's the perfect size for her with a bit of room to grow as the sleeves are just above the wrist as it is. I cannot wait for her to wear this to school this year!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I have finally gotten my feet wet with this whole sewing thing and i must say its way harder than i thought it was! I feel very confident in my choices for first pieces and must say that they turned out much better than i anticipated! i had a few oops' where i had to redo whole 52" seams but the labor and late nights i put into them was well worth it for the love and appreciation ive gotten from my own girls and friends and family ive made pieces for :)
 above is a pillowcase dress i made for a special "niece" that matches a blanket, bib, changing pad set i made for her baby shower gift :)
 My oldest daughter showing off her first dress made by mommy
My youngest daughter showing off her first dress (pillowcase style) that is opposite big sisters'
 Big girl literally petting the fabric she helped me pick out for her very special dress

I traced this dress onto a paper bag and cut out the fabric accordingly. Little really loved this dress and wore it for an entire road trip. She's not normally my girly girl but she felt awfully pretty in this navy striped and starred dress

 This dress is still missing the sash but big girl couldn't wait to get it on! I bought this pattern off etsy from . This is the Kyoko Asian inspired shirt dress, pattern by Modkid. definately my biggest accomplishment with my sewing machine to date.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I've been working tirelessly on a bunch of hats and ear warmers for my lovely family members! I've for 4/4 ear warmers done and 1/4 hats done for some very special little baby girls :) the link to the hat pattern is here:

Also sewing some buttons on some leg warmers and sending those off as soon as I have access to a car again :) happy crafting my friends

Thursday, January 24, 2013

jingle jingle

Over the Holidays i was EXTREMELY busy! Trying to have a baby, crocheting, taking care of my home and family, getting ready for baby, celebrating and TRYING TO HAVE A BABY!! our little Mr elf baby arrived 6 days past his due date a whooping 8 lbs 6 oz of dark haired perfection. it took 5 trips to the labor and delivery unit and 4 trips back home and a very special midwife to figure out his placement was off centered. we corrected it and he came into the world in a beautiful and completely stress free labor.
Ive been working on adult ear warmers, and toddler leg warmers as Christmas gifts that have yet to be delivered as i was having a baby and getting adjusted.
Along with our own Roman being born, our family also welcomed two BEAUTIFUL twin baby girls just a few days after Roman was born. Sweetest girls Tia Shane (after ME!!!!) and miss Layla Kay Fuchs!
So this is what has kept me so busy but I'm loving every minute of life with a son and getting to bond with him. I just lanolozed little Mr's wool pants last night and I'm very excited to get to cloth him for more than just a few hours a day. so have a great night and ill update you all very soon on our crafty adventures.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Today is Christmas Eve!! I'm officially overdue with our little elf baby, and so I decided to pick up a new craft...I took the plunge into KNITTING!!! I've had a full set of knitting needles for years and learned to knit when I was little (along with crocheting). So I've been finding all kinds of tutorials online to brush up and learn the things I didn't know. I'm starting with a basic scarf with alternating with white and red :) here is a pic of what I've started so far

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ruffled leg warmers :)

I got a request from my dear Aunt Kat to make her two pairs of ruffled leg warmers so she can be cozy while still being stylish when at her events. So naturally I said yes! Right away we brainstormed and figured out the style and I let her pick the colors (her wardrobe and all). Well I got a package in the mail this afternoon and got right to work! I started at 3 pm and by 10pm (continuing daily routine with two pixies under my feet) I finished one from the first set :) so here it is just to get a feel. These can be bought for $35 a pair postage paid. Turn around will only be a few days after supplies are bought ;)

You can visit my Aunt's website to view her fine art and like her on FaceBook for both her fine arts, and jazz band! Look for Kathleen Cavender and tell her I sent you!
FB- Kathleen Cavender Fine Art