Friday, November 16, 2012

Ruffled leg warmers :)

I got a request from my dear Aunt Kat to make her two pairs of ruffled leg warmers so she can be cozy while still being stylish when at her events. So naturally I said yes! Right away we brainstormed and figured out the style and I let her pick the colors (her wardrobe and all). Well I got a package in the mail this afternoon and got right to work! I started at 3 pm and by 10pm (continuing daily routine with two pixies under my feet) I finished one from the first set :) so here it is just to get a feel. These can be bought for $35 a pair postage paid. Turn around will only be a few days after supplies are bought ;)

You can visit my Aunt's website to view her fine art and like her on FaceBook for both her fine arts, and jazz band! Look for Kathleen Cavender and tell her I sent you!
FB- Kathleen Cavender Fine Art

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh sewing machine!!!

This week I have been and will continue to create things for my little elf baby on-the-way. The owls and bubble minky will be a blanket for him. The snowflakes, terry cloth, and organic bamboo velour will be transormed into soft absorbent flat diapers for him to wear under all the wonderful wool covers I've been making him! I'm in the process of crocheting another set of wool shorts. I'm not sure if ill be selling these or keeping these for him yet. But here is a picture of the colors I've chosen. The link to the free pattern is here

The ribbed waistband is made from Patons classic wool in "new denim". It's 100% pure new wool medium weight. The body is made from Bamboo Ewe by stitch nation in "twilight". It is a wool blend of 55% bamboo viscose and 45% wool. Very soft and warm and absorbent.

After I get done with these shorts I'm going to spend some time washing and lanolizing all my handmade wooly projects :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Homemade laundry soap!!!

A few weeks ago, right before our big move from apartment to house, my hubby suggested that we make our own detergent as we were running low and I knew we'd have tons of laundry to do before and after. So I'm finally running my first attempt at homemade laundry detergent!! I found the "recipes" on

Wish us luck! Ill let you know how it goes

Apparently after I grate my bar of Fels-Naptha I will need to run it through my food processor because I've got some pretty nice chunks. But it should wash well ;)

Adult size leggings

Well I FINALLY finished them up last night and I've already worn them to the store! Definitely needing more of these colors in my wardrobe now! And more accessories for me. Better get cracking on some of these other projects I've got piling up. An over sized cowl and another 2 sets (different pattern) of adult leggings are up next. Then I've got cloth diapers to put together and a baby blanket for my sweet little guy on the way :) busy busy mama over here
Total labor of love